- Il Paese di Cerzeto

The Italian toponym Cerzeto derives from the abundance of oak groves in the area, from the dialect term cerza, oak. While the toponym arbëreshe Qana derives from the Albanian qanë, planer, and recalls the flat conformation of the site.
Relics have been found which testify to the presence of an ancient settlement dating back to the Magna Graecia and Roman eras. The first historical mentions date back to the second half of the 13th century, when reference is made to a church dedicated to San Nicola. However, about two centuries later, in the 15th century, the town suffered a significant decline due to famines, epidemics and seismic events.
In this context of crisis, the Albanian exiles who fled from the Ottoman domination in Albania, after the disappearance of the national hero Skanderbeg, entered and it was they who determined the rebirth of the farmhouse.
The hamlet of S. Giacomo, Sancto Jacopo, was already mentioned at the beginning of the year one thousand, while the hamlet of Cavallerizzo was mentioned in the 13th century, with the presence of a church dedicated to San Giorgio. Since 2005 the town has been abandoned due to a landslide and the new settlement of Cavallerizzo nuova has arisen.
Before the arrival of the Albanians, the territory of Cerzeto belonged to the Sanseverino princes of Bisignano. Then it was a subfeud of the barony of San Marco, of the Cavalcanti of Torano and of the Spinelli of Fuscaldo.
In Cerzeto there was an important weaving school: the art weaving workshop of Ercole Mayerà, a renowned weaver who also attracted the admiration of Gabriele D’Annunzio. Cavallerizzo became also known for weaving, thanks to the school directed by Eva Melicchio, who was a master in the art of artistic arbëreshe weaving. With around ten looms in operation, in particular blankets and tapestries characterized by traditional oriental-inspired designs were produced.
Cerzeto, unlike most Arbëreshë towns, has not preserved the Greek-Byzantine rite, which remained active only until the 17th century.
The church of SS. Pietro e Paolo, in Cerzeto, dates back to the 18th century. Inside, with three naves, the eighteenth-century altar in polychrome marble stands out, while on the vault of the central nave, there are paintings from the second half of the nineteenth century, depicting the Madonna Assunta, Saint Peter in prison and the conversion of Saint Paul. The façade, entirely made of stone, has three entrances with round arches and on the keystone of the main portal we find the coat of arms depicting the double-headed eagle.
The diocesan sanctuary of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio, in San Giacomo, was completed in 1748 and is managed by the Confraternity of the same name established in 1777.
In the past, it was an annex of the nearby noble palace of the Tocci family, and still retains the mezzanine that allowed the family’s private access, although this privilege is no longer active. Inside, the valuable and imposing eighteenth-century wooden statue of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio stands out, which has similar shapes and dimensions to the one kept in the noble chapel of the Rodotà dei Coronei nobles of San Benedetto Ullano.
The cult of Madonna del Buon Consiglio, patron saint of Albania, has its origins in Scutari, in northern Albania. According to legend, the fresco of the Madonna and Child miraculously detached itself from the wall of the sanctuary of Scutari during the siege of the Ottoman Turks. The original image is found today in the sanctuary of Gennazzano, near Rome, where, again according to legend, she was transported by angels.
Among the historic buildings, in addition to Palazzo Mayerà, recently redeveloped and transformed into a cultural centre, we also find the adjacent Palazzo Cavalcanti-Andreotti, which still retains the sixteenth-century style arched loggia and Palazzo Tocci, in San Giacomo, adjacent to the church of Madonna del Buon Consiglio.
The Albanian writer and patriot Father Francesco Antonio Santori (1819-1894) lived in San Giacomo. One of his main merits was the use of popular language, accessible to all readers. It is thanks to him that the novel was introduced into Albanian literature and that the first drama in Albanian was composed, entitled L’Emira.
Among the characters who left a mark in the community of Cerzeto and beyond, the figure of Carmelo Candreva (1931-1982) should be remembered. A highly dedicated elementary school teacher, he stood out for his commitment to fighting illiteracy among the adults of his community. He founded the Center for Popular Culture, aimed at the education of less privileged adults, together with his childhood friend Carmine Stamile. Over the years he became an international point of reference in the school education of the Arbëreshë communities and in his research, he discovered some unpublished manuscripts of the scholar F. Antonio Santori, priest of San Giacomo. He was also a poet in the Albanian language and published studies on Albanology and teaching didactics in elementary schools in the Arbëreshë countries.
Carmine Stamile, current manager and founder of the Arbëresh Ethnographic Museum, is a precious treasure chest of knowledge. During his long career as a primary school teacher, he played a fundamental role in introducing the study of the Albanian language and culture among teaching subjects, thus contributing to the conservation and dissemination of the Arbëresh cultural heritage. He also shared his vast experience through a series of published works, including Didactic experimentation in a bilingual Arbëresh environment, written together with his friend and colleague Carmelo Candreva.
Stamile also oversaw the transliteration and critical analysis of some of Santori’s works, in 2013 he published Vjeshe popullore (popular songs) and in 2020 Traditions and popular beliefs in Cerzeto, vol. III. His work continues to represent an invaluable resource of knowledge and inspiration not only for the Arbëreshe community, but also for anyone interested in the culture and history of this rich tradition.
Many personalities who distinguished themselves in the Risorgimento struggles, among these we remember Giovanni Francesco Stamile, Federico Franzese, Giuseppe Franzese, Skanderbeg Franzese, Vincenzo Franzese, Matteo Musacchio, Giuseppe Petrassi and the list would still be long.
Cerzeto emerges in the Arbëresh cultural panorama also thanks to the lively presence of the ethno-musical group Shpirti Arbëresh. The group stands out for its commitment and involvement in promoting and celebrating Arbëreshe identity through music and tradition. Through meticulous research, the group is dedicated to the discovery and preservation of ancient songs passed down orally, ensuring their protection and diffusion for future generations.
Furthermore, Shpirti Arbëresh is actively engaged in the recovery, restoration and valorization of the traditional Arbëreshe dress, using ancient embroidery techniques. This work not only contributes to the preservation of cultural traditions, but also to the promotion of the beauty and richness of Arbëreshe culture in the contemporary context. The group therefore represents an important hub for the Cerzeto community and a precious ambassador of its cultural heritage.
Ëmëri italisht Cerzeto, Qana arbëisht, vjen ka pjotësia e dushkra lisi i vendit, ka ëmëri cerza, lis. Ndërsa ëmëri arbërisht Qana, vjen ka gjuha shqipe qanë, qanuc, e mban mend dukja fushore e vendit.
U gjëtin këtu një ca gjera çë martrirojin një vend ku ishin një ca gjind ka epoka greke e romane. Të parat lajme storike janë e dites gjimes e shekullit XIII, kur folej nji kishëje dhedikuar Shën Kollit. Ndomos, afër di shekule nese, tekë shekulli XV, vendi qe ngarë ka sëmëndja e terramote.
Erdhëtin pra arbëreshët çë shkapojn ka turkërat nese vdiqa e Skanderbegut: qenë ata çë dhan jetë e re fshatit.
Pjesa e S. Japku, Sancto Jacopo, nhihej edhe ka fillimi e vitit mille, ndërsa pjesës e Kavaleriçit u fol tekë shekulli XIII, me pranimi e një Qish dhedikuar Shën Gjergjit. Ka viti 2005 vendi qe i lenur për fëtesa e një gramisje e kështu u le Kavaleriçi i re.
Parsen erdhja e arbëreshëve, katundi Qana ish e pringjipit Sanseverin e Bisinjanit, pra e Shën Markut, e Calavant-ëvet e Toranit e Spinell-ëvet e Fuskaldit.
Në Qanë gjëndej një shkollë argatisje me shumë rëndësi: putiga e argatisje artje e Ercol-it Mayerà, argatisë shumë rëndësishm çë qe i ruajtur edhe ka Gabriele D’annunzio-t. Edhe Kavaleriçi nese një ca mot qe kujtuar për argatisjen, edhe për pjesë e shkollës drejtuar ka Eva Melicchio, çë qe një mjështër artje te argatisja artistike arbëreshe. Me një dhjetë argalli çë shurbejin, bëheshin palaca me zbukurime lindjellore.
Qana, jo se tjerët katundë arbëreshë, nëng mbajti ritin grek-bizantin, çë qe mbajtur njërim fundit e shekullit XVII.
Qisha e SS. Pietro e Paolo, Qanë, është e shekullit XVIII. Mbrënda janë tri navata e një autar e Shtatëqindit me marmë e shumë kullure, ndërsa tekë faqa e navatës ndë mest gjënden piktura e dita gjismës e shekullit XIX, çë burtonjen Shën Mërin e Marrur, Shën Pietrite burgu e prirja e Shën Paolo. Faqa, gjithë guri, ka tri hirje me arke e stemin e shqiponjes.
Shëjtërorja dioçesanë e Shën Mëris e Këshìllit i mirë, te Shën Japku, qe i mbaruar tekë viti 1748 e është ruajtur ka një sivëllazime e vitit 1777.
Te moti çë shkoj, ish e Pëllacit Tocci afëror, e mban edhe sot një pjesë ku hihej edhe ndë sot është mbullitur. Mbrënda gjëndet një statue druri e Shtatëqindit e Shën Mëris e Këshillit i mirë, ç’i gjiten asajë çë gjëndet tekë Kapelja e zotëravet Rodotà e Koronë e Shën Benedhitit.
Nderimi e Shën Mëris e Këshillit i mirë, patrone e Shqipërisë, ka fillimtë Shkodrë, nëveriu e Shqipërisë. Si thot një përrallëz, piktimi e Shën Mëris me djalën u shkul mërakullisht ka muri e Shëjtërorja e Shkodres kur ish rrethimi e turkëravet. Piktura fillimtare gjëndet sot tekë Shëjtërorja e Gennazzan-it, afër Rome, ku përraleza thot se e qellëtin ëngëllrat.
Ndër Pëllacet storikë, mbatane Pëllaci Mayerà, ku u bë një qendër kullturore, është edhe Pëllaci afërore Cavalcanti-Andreotti, çë vjon edhe sot arke me stilin e vitit Pesëqind e edhe Pëllaci Tocci, te Shën Japku, afër Qishës e Shën Mëris e Këshillit i mirë.
Te Shën Japku jetoj shkrimtari shqipëtar e patrioti Zoti Francesco Antonio Santori (1819-1894). Një ndër shurbiset e mira çë bëri qe perdimi e gjuhes popullore, çë gjithë mënd kuptojin. Për pjesën këtij, rromanxi hiri tekë litërarja shqipëtare e qe bënur i pari dramë me gjuhe shqipe, Emira.
Do të kujtomi edhe Carmelo Candreva (1931-1982). Mjështer e shkollës fillore çë bëri shumë kundër paletërsin ndër të kërshterët e katundit. Bëri Qendrin e Kulturës Popullore për të mesoheshin gjindjat çë nëng ishin të bëgatë, bashku mikun e tijë Carmine Stamile. Ki Qender u bë ndër viterat një vend ndërkombëtar shumë rëndësishmë për mësimin e katundevet arbëreshë. Te kërkimet tij zbuloj një ca shkruajta çë nëng ishin njohur e lëteratit F. Antonio Santori, zot e Shën Japkut. Qe edhe një vjersharte e gjuhes shqipe e bëri studime për mesimet te shkollat fillore e katundëvet arbëreshë.
Carmine Stamile, çë bëri Muzeun etnografik arbëresh, qe një mjështër e shkollës fillore e patë një pjesë shumë rëndësishmë për hirjen e mësimit e gjuhës e kullturës shqipë, për shprishja e kulltures arbëreshë. Shkruajiti opera si Sperimentazione didattica in ambiente bilingue arbëresh, shkruajtur bashkë mikut tij Carmeli Candreva.
Stamile kujdesi një ca opera e Santorit, tekë viti 2013 publlikoj Vjeshe popullore e tekë viti 2020 Tradizioni e credenze popolari a Cerzeto, vol. III. Opera e tija është edhe sot një pasuri shumë e madhe jo vetëm për katundët arbëreshë, ma edhe për gjithë ata çë do të njohen kullturen e storien e kësaj tradite e bëgate.
Ndër shumë kërshter çë muarrtin pjesë te rilindjen, mbami mend Giovanni Francesco Stamile, Federico Franzese, Giuseppe Franzese, Skanderbeg Franzese, Vincenzo Franzese, Matteo Musacchio, Giuseppe Petrassi e më shumë.
Në Qana gjëndet edhe një shoqate muzikale Shpirti Arbëresh, çë fillon identitetin arbëresh ndër muzika e ndër traditat. Kjo shoqate kërkon, me shumë kërkime, të vjonj këngat të vjetëra tradicionale për generacionat e rea.Shpirti Arbëresh ka një zotim i gjallë për vllerësimin e stolit tradicionalle arbëreshë, tue perduar teknike të qepura e vjetëra. Ki shurbim bën mirë jo vetëm e vjuarit e traditavet kullturore, ma edhe promociones e bukurimët e bëgatësite e kullturës arbëreshe sot. Shoqata është një qendër shumë rëndësishme pë katundin Qana e për trashgimimin e saj.